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PURE Physiotherapy Clinic

Powered by Joint Dynamics

PURE will be teaming up with Joint Dynamics, a leading physiotherapy clinic in Hong Kong, to provide physiotherapy services at PURE Fitness ifc mall. Specialised services include:

Daily Life & Niggles

As we age, live, work, exercise and play we develop aches and pains. Many are a

result of our daily activities and pass with time, such as muscle soreness after a weights

session. Other symptoms become a backdrop to our daily activities, like a “dodgy knee”

that bothers you only when going down the stairs, hip pain from carrying the baby, wrist

pain when you’ve been typing or back discomfort when you’ve been sitting in a car; these are some of the

pain and issues that we’ve learned to live with. Physiotherapy can offer relief and

often freedom from these shackles. Working with your body to pinpoint and correct

movement patterns can remove these issues providing a level of comfort you have

forgotten was normal.



The way we walk, sit, run, throw, jump, hit or strike can have a profound impact on

the body. Often the warning signs of injury are there long before the 20km mark or

the 14th hole on the green.

Assessing sport-specific movement patterns, gait, movement control and strength in

key muscle groups are just a few methods that physiotherapists use to pick up

warning signs of potential injuries. Identifying these problems ensure that

interventions can be bespoke to the client’s needs, so they can do what they love for

longer, without injury.


Sports Injuries

Do you play rugby, football or hockey? Do you train or compete in Crossfit, Olympic

lifting or marathon/trail running? The sports and activities you love can often have

a hand in causing the tightness, strain or injury that is limiting your ability to perform

at your best. Physiotherapy is known to many as a profession that provides

treatment for injuries to the muscles and joint systems of the body, however, it is

much more than that.

We are experts in movement analysis and functional rehabilitation, with the ability to

identify and treat the cause of the dysfunction rather than just manage the

symptoms you experience because of it. Treatment by our physiotherapists is

unique as it is primarily movement-based, integrating the latest research with our

“intelligent movement” ethos to ensure you don’t simultaneously keep training while

minimising further delays to your rehabilitation timeline.


Posture Correction

The human body was not designed to sit for long periods of time and as a result of

our learned ‘computer posture’ many people experience headaches, neck pain,

shoulder stiffness and back discomfort. Improving your posture can benefit all those ailments but can

also assist in better breathing and digestion, hormone production and even

strengthening of the immune system. All of these health benefits go together with a

more flattering fit of that suit jacket and loosening that middle-aged stoop.

Physiotherapy techniques can assist in improving both your seated and standing

posture with many physiological and aesthetic benefits.